by Joyce Amis. 26 item. I Am a Slave. 26 item.
English Teaching is a collection of insightful articles written by women who are passionate about teaching English. Although these articles are from various sources, they are all intended to help you become an effective and inspirational teacher.
“I Am a Slave”
By Mae Valentine
When a white man, a Jim Crow that person is, asks me if I like cornbread, he is merely putting into words an idea that has been my constant companion for years. I try to smile politely and say yes, but the same old feeling rises in my throat and that means that the old feeling of slavery is coming back to haunt me.
Most of us can remember the times when we were asked if we liked cornbread. “No” was our only answer, because there was no way we could say “yes” without showing a preference for one thing over another. If we answered yes, it meant that we were, in fact, unable to answer the question. If we said no, it meant that we were disloyal to our race.
Did you know that a slave owner had the right to ask whether you liked cornbread? Did you know that a slave owner had the right to take a child away from her mother? Did you know that a mother was stripped of her rights as a mother, denied the natural nurturing and love of a parent, and given the worst job in the community?
“I Am a Slave” By Mae Valentine
Did you know that a slave owner had the right to ask whether you liked cornbread? Did you know that a slave owner had the
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